Women traveling alone, the data of an increasing trend

Women traveling alone, the data of an increasing trend

More and more women are traveling alone. No fear, but the desire to discover and not to be conditioned by anyone is what drives them. In a few words: the desire for freedom. An important motivation that leads them to undertake trips that are anything but banal, often to test and improve themselves. Not a fashion, but a way of being. Being themselves.

Research has interviewed 9,000 people, men and women between the ages of 18 and 64, in Great Britain, the United States, France, India, Germany, China, Brazil and Italy, and 63% of the women said they had made a trip alone in their lives and 73% said they planned to do so in the next few years. A widespread desire, therefore, among women in many parts of the world, at least those with a more developed economy and therefore with inhabitants more inclined to travel.

The "solo female travelers" have an average age of 32 years, have a university degree in 73.6% of cases, speak more than 70% of a foreign language, often more than one, and, perhaps the most curious and, unexpected if we think of the commonplaces by which we are sometimes influenced, 47.8% have a partner but are not married. The destinations are the most varied, and even tour operators are beginning to take this into account by dedicating special offers and ad hoc packages to these travelers. On the other hand, there is no predominant motivation that leads women to leave: many, however, say they do so because they do not like to be conditioned by other people, how difficult is it to share a journey and adapt to the needs of others? Others feel they increase their self-esteem with each new destination they reach; still others wish to dedicate time to themselves. Whatever the nuance of the decision of each of them, it is clear, however, that the basis is a search for freedom and independence. Very precious assets.

To start and leave alone there are no rules to follow, much depends on the destinations and the political situation of the various destinations. Common sense, spirit of adventure and an open mind are certainly needed, because it is much easier to fully experience a destination and its culture and people on your own. Perhaps this is the real charm of travel, its deep meaning, and also what many people are looking for.

How are you spending your vacations? In every destination, whether alone or with your family or in a group, we offer ecological solutions for all women's needs: the practical silicone cups or alternatively menstrual discs, or reusable bamboo menstrual pads and bamboo menstrual underwear, to live the vacations, and not only, in safety and freedom, with near 0 impact on environment.

Say Yes to Life, Earth Thanks! 🌿

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