What you can do - Earth Thanks

What you can do

Best wishes to All, climate strikers and not!⁠
We'd like that strikes be the first step of a true change, an inner change first of all, which means attention: to one's true needs, to the needs of those around us, to the needs of Mother Earth and all the animals!⁠
Everyone can do their part, however small, be aware that every little choice we make, often not even experienced as a choice but as a habit, changes the world: to stop or reduce the consumption of meat and animal products - there is no difference between our dog or cat and the cow or the chicken or the fish we eat, reduce or abandon the use of plastic replacing it with natural and reusable materials, buy km0 organic food - this also helps our economy, be careful not to abandon waste, walk more often, take the bike or the bus instead of the car, recycle and not waste, remember that every little thing is the result of the work of many... all this requires a daily exercise of attention and awareness... one at a time, we all change for the better!⁠

Say yes to life, Earth thanks! 🌿⁠

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