UN Ocean Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, June 27 - July 1
Overfishing, increased flooding of low-lying islands and coastal cities, dead zones caused by nutrient pollution and the proliferation of ocean plastic:
“We must turn the tide,”
UN Secretary General António Guterres said.
“Without drastic action, the plastic could outweigh all the fish in the ocean by 2050.”
Officially, the purpose of the conference is to promote action on the sustainable use and management of the oceans and their resources, which could produce 6 times more food and 4 times more renewable energy than the current state of affairs.
The conference will involve around 7,000 people, including leaders and scientists from more than 120 countries. Guterres also said that ordinary people not at the conference had a role to play in making sure an ocean treaty is finally passed. “We need to make people put pressure on those who decide." (source: ecowatch.com)
The fact is that 90% of all the plastic ever produced worldwide has never been recycled! So the best way to deal with plastic pollution is simply not to use plastic! There are many natural alternatives to it - after all, our ancestors lived happily without plastics, there's no reason why we cannot live without plastics in XXIst century as well!
Try our plastic free natural eco-friendly products for a greener lifestyle, Say Yes to Life, Earth Thanks! 🌿