

Pollinators are the cornerstones of Earth’s plant life, which is the basis of its ecosystems. A thriving ecosystem is made up of healthy plant life and the animals that feed upon it. The plants in turn provide food and habitat, clean the air and keep soils healthy and stable, which improves crop productivity, prevents erosion, keeps waters clean and helps mitigate flooding. Flowering plants make up nearly all of the vegetation on our planet and provide an important food source for many animals. Biodiversity literally depends on pollinators. Plants and pollinators together provide many of the raw materials we rely on — like cotton, biofuels and wood — as well as medicines and half the planet’s oils.

Pollinator populations are shrinking worldwide due to several overlapping factors, including pesticide use, the spread of viruses, bacteria and fungi, destruction and fragmentation of habitat, loss of native plants that provide pollen and nectar, invasive plants and bees, low genetic diversity, pathogens spread by commercially managed bees and climate change. What can we do?

Reporting sightings of pollinators and collecting data for citizen science projects can help scientists better protect and support pollinators.

We can help with the restoration of pollinator habitat by volunteering with conservation organizations that use best management practices. And we can let our state and local representatives know that we support pollinators, and that the restoration and preservation of pollinator habitat is crucial.

Educating ourselves by visiting a botanical garden, local wildlife refuge, beekeepers in our area or taking a class to learn about native plants means we’ll be better equipped to make informed decisions, take action and share our knowledge about pollinators and their habitats with others. One of the best things we can do for pollinators is to create habitat by planting a garden where flowering plants they are attracted to can flourish. Planting in clusters can help pollinators locate flowers, and planting so that you have consistent blooms throughout the growing season helps ensure pollinators have enough nectar from spring through fall.

Building a bat house can help bats survive by giving them a safe place to give birth and care for their young.

Buying organic food, beverages, textiles and products like cosmetics and body care supports local farmers who use regenerative farming practices and fewer pesticides that support pollinator health..

Other ways to support pollinators include avoiding pesticide use and buying local honey to support local bees and beekeepers — or becoming a beekeeper yourself!

Try our bees products, our BeeHotel for pollinators and our Bats’ houses and our domestic BeeHive to host the bees and collect your home made honey!

Say Yes to Life, Earth Thanks!

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