Our individual behaviours impact the earth, the ocean, and every person who lives on this planet

Every single person has a role to play in protecting the environment, regardless of their profession. Becoming environmentally conscious means changing our daily behaviors at every level – individual, family, community, and decision-making. This is why citizen science is such a critical step toward protecting our earth and its waters, because each person has an opportunity to become more aware and responsible for our behaviors and habits, building the capacity of our community to create more sustainable habits. When we drop a plastic bottle onto the ground, it will eventually end up in the ocean. Our individual behaviors impact the earth, the ocean, and every person who lives on this planet. We all have a responsibility to change our behaviors, and we all can.

Community action against the illegal dumping of waste restores hope in communities who have witnessed the drastic destruction of the local environment. While individual efforts create the ripple effects of broader change, shifting policies creates big waves. We are starting to see more of these waves occurring. 

Ultimately, our homes and families are essential starting points for protecting the earth and the ocean. We can take the time to think about where our trash goes, how we use energy, and how we use water in our own homes. The climate crisis will ultimately shift in our own backyards if we take the time to think about our daily habits, and young people are essential to raising this awareness – even in our own families. (source: nationalgeographic.org)

Adopt an eco-friendly lifestyle and mobility, use renewables, eat local organic vegan food, reduce, reuse, recycle, ditch plastics! Try our natural reusable eco-friendly products, Say Yes to Life, Earth Thanks! 🌿

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