Summers could last up to 6 months by the end of this century

If the rate of global warming continues at its current rate, we can forget the seasons as we have known them to date. Particularly in the Northern Hemisphere, by the end of this century we must expect a huge increase in summers, which could last up to 6 months. A new study has taken into account the temperatures recorded every day in the Northern Hemisphere between 1952 and 2011. For the "summer period" was considered the one that presented 25% of the highest temperatures, while the "winter" one had the 25% of the lowest temperatures. The result is that the duration of summer has already passed from 78 days of 1952 to 95 of 2011. At the same time, winter shortened from 76 to 73 days in the same reference period. Spring and autumn have become shorter: the first has passed from 124 to 115 days, while the second from 87 to 82.

The researchers then tried to predict the data for the coming decades on the basis of climate models. In the worst-case scenario, which predicts an increase in global average temperature that will continue at the current rates, at the end of the century spring and summers could begin, every year, a month earlier than today. As a result, the Northern Hemisphere could spend more than half of the year in summer with the temperatures significantly higher than the current ones.

Such a scenario would inevitably have dramatic consequences for the Earth’s biosphere. Not only for humans but also in terms of plant and animal behavior. Upheavals should be expected for agriculture and the seasonality of food products. Tropical mosquitoes carrying viruses could extend their habitats northwards and cause explosive epidemics during summers. The study confirms that weather phenomena would be more frequent and more violent, particularly  heat waves and forest fires; even winters, although shorter, may be more unstable, with colder and more frequent winter storms. (source:

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