Globally the fire season is becoming more extreme and longer
Almost all habitats, whether forests, steppes, prairies or savannas, are significantly affected by the changes produced by global warming: changes in the rain cycle, in the amount of water and humidity in the soil, in the energy of the winds, in the frequent droughts, in the drying up, in the progressive desertification that is advancing on the planet at the rate of 11 million hectares per year. The direct human impact adds on: degradation, unsustainable consumption, deforestation, failure to manage, abandonment. Triggered by the wicked hands of arsonists or by the criminal hands of small and large interests, fires are transformed in an instant into real mega or even gigafires: fires that are increasingly large in terms of the size of the front of the flames, the surface area crossed, the speed of propagation, the temperature reached. Real climatic catastrophes.
From Siberia to Europe and Mediterranean regions, from Canada to California, from Australia to South America, climate change is showing its fiercest aspect: no place is safe from its effects, and we cannot stand by and watch. The frequency, extent and intensity of wildfires have increased dramatically over the last century: the fire season is becoming more extreme and longer, by 15% over the last 50 years, fueled by long periods of extreme heat and little rain.
We cannot stand by and watch the green lungs that keep us alive disappear, we must act now, preventing the causes of fires, providing operators with effective equipment and resources to combat these emergencies immediately, and asking governments to take appropriate prevention measures.
We all can and should help lower global temperatures. Adopt an eco-friendly lifestyle, use renewables and eco-friendly mobility, eat local vegan organic food, dress in eco-friendly fabrics, reuse, reduce, recycle, plant trees, eliminate plastic from your life!
Try our natural reusable eco-friendly products, Say Yes to Life, Earth Thanks! 🌿