Taking care of our Mother Earth, our common home - Earth Thanks - earth day, earth hour, earth month, women, women care, women rights, women special , natural, vegan, eco-friendly, organic, sustainable living

Taking care of our Mother Earth, our common home

When we talk about the economy, generally, people think that the economy comes down to money and finance. When in essence, economy is the art of taking care of our home, is the art of taking care of the common environment. 

We have a great challenge, which is to take care of our common home, to take care of planet earth… So we need to advance this reading, this vision of the economy beyond financial, beyond monetary.

The true source of sustained wealth is not through capitalist speculation and exploitation, but in human societies which work together with nature, not against it, through civic public participation, based on the values of affiliation, universalism, respect and dignity, equality and equity, human rights and the rights of nature. Alternative visions of society based on the principles of well-being at the core and real democracy are re-emerging everywhere and opening up the possibility of empowering citizens to have equal access to decision making power, so that the well-being of both people and nature also brings economic benefits to the poorest people. 

These days, it’s obvious for women to become activists, not just environmental activists. But of course, feminism and environmental activism remind us of the links between women and nature and the similarities between environmental destruction and the oppression of women both driven by the same power structures. Being a woman is an asset in activism: women are the first to face the effects of a destroyed or polluted environment. She will be the one cultivating fields during a drought. She will be supplying her house with water and be the first one to see that her child has been poisoned by this water if it was polluted. And when she fights for a healthy environment, she does it with passion, with all her heart. Being a woman and an activist at the same time carry a lot of strength in the world. Being a woman and an activist is being the Revolution. (Source: greenpeace.org)

May the universal feminine with all its values ​​of love, care, inclusion, development, prosperity prevail so that the world is finally just and a common home for all of us!

Help yourselves and our Mother Earth, try our natural eco-friendly products for your green everyday life, Say Yes to Life, Earth Thanks!

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