Investing in the conservation of natural resources is crucial in the next decade
Healthy natural capital is an asset. In every sense of the word. WWF, with its Global futures study, looked at six ecosystem services: water, timber, fisheries, CO2 storage by trees, coastal protection, pollination. If we simply carry on with business as usual, the decline in these services will lead to an average drop in global GDP of 0.67% per year until 2050. That means sending 442 billion euros a year up in smoke. If, on the other hand, we bet on sustainable development, the GDP will grow at an average rate of 0.02% per year, with an annual gain of more than 450 billion euros.
The prosperity of our life is closely linked to healthy ecosystems. Already today in Europe alone 104,000 people work in the management and conservation of the areas belonging to the Natura 2000 network. Another 70,000 are indirect jobs. Not to mention tourism: of the 12 million people employed, one in four gravitates around Natura 2000. (source:
Everybody is called to sustain the efforts and policies of governments by adopting an eco friendly lifestyle. Use renewables, public transport or walk more, eat local vegan organic food, reduce, reuse, recycle, ditch plastics.
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