World Wetlands Day 2022
Wetlands are little worlds that support specialized species of plants and animals and give so much to us and our planet. They can absorb tides and winds, hold flood water and give us clean air and clean water. Yet over the past 55 years, we’ve lost more than one third of Earth’s wetlands, almost wholly because of human activity. We have drained the water, built houses and roads and destroyed the balance of plants and animals that allowed the wetlands to flourish.
Healthy wetlands ecosystem services are worth US$47 trillion annually, provide livelihoods for one billion people, and are critical for protecting biodiversity and advancing climate action – yet, the world has already lost 85% of its wetlands.
So, days like World Wetlands Day, and World Wildlife Day that is on March the 3rd, are about recognizing the damage that’s been done and what we need to do to manage and preserve these resources that are vital to our way of life and that one way or another, we all depend upon. We know that wetlands play a vital role in maintaining the biodiversity that is the key to our future. We know that 40% of the world’s plants and animals depend on wetlands, 4 billion people rely on the services that wetlands provide, and we know that without them, we can’t achieve the sustainable development targets we’ve set ourselves. If we are to advance sustainable development for People and Planet, we must act now to better manage, conserve, and restore our wetlands. (source:
Adopt an eco-friendly lifestyle today! Help restore wetlands and ecosystems, plant a tree!
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