Siberia on fire!

This year 19 million hectares of Taiga in the Great Forest of the North, an area larger than the whole of Greece, went up in flames!
The Russian part of Siberia is warming up much faster than most of the rest of the planet due to climate change, with incalculable damage. Record temperatures up to 37°. Oil spills caused by permafrost melting. Devastating fires. In Russia, the law does not always require fires to be put out. Especially in remote areas, it is believed that the costs involved would be greater than the damage. In the last month alone, 24,700,000 square kilometers have been lost. Vast fires are ravaging forests and woodlands not only in Siberia, but all over the world.
What more needs to happen to understand that we need to take urgent action to tackle the causes of global warming?

We can all help the planet by adopting a green lifestyle, using renewable energy and natural materials instead of plastic.

Try our bamboo and hemp collections for home and kitchen and personal use. Both are very strong resilient plants, fast growing and pollution cleaning faster than trees.

Plant trees wherever you can, plant trees from our website where most needed!

Say Yes to Life, earth Thanks! 🌿

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