Organic agriculture can feed the entire European population

Organic agriculture can feed the entire European population

Environmentally friendly food is one of the most important challenges of the moment. But according to some, organic agriculture is still too small a resource and inefficient on the yield front to ensure a sustainable diet for all. Recent studies by several European universities have concluded that in 2050 organic agriculture could feed the entire European population, estimated at 600 million people by that date, and would be able to reduce water pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

Essential is the need to reduce meat consumption, which would allow limiting intensive farming and eliminate feed imports. Today in Europe 55% of the diet is based on proteins of animal origin (meat, milk, eggs and fish), which is twice the consumption recommended by the FAO and WHO. A positive change both for people's health and for environmental sustainability. 

Crop rotation allows avoiding synthetic nitrogen fertilizers and pesticides. 

We need to return to a balanced relationship between crops and livestock: there are soils impoverished because of the absence of livestock, and others economically penalized by the lack of crops due to excessive separation between agricultural fields and animals. 

Returning to a complementary relationship between animals and crops would make it possible to defend the biodiversity of the land and contain the decline of bees, which would thus return to enjoy a more balanced diet able to fortify their immune system. 

We can all help: eat organic vegan food, plant flowers in your garden or balcony, support beekeepers.

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