Degradation times of waste in the sea

Degradation times of waste in the sea

You may not know that you can pollute the sea even from our cities with daily gestures, which cause serious damage to the entire marine habitat, seriously compromising the seabed and causing the death of even thousands of fish, cetaceans, turtles, seabirds etc. Here is a list of some objects that turn into WASTE and their related degradation times.

In some cases and for frequently used items, these are really long times. Iron objects and its alloys have not been mentioned, which, in some cases, as for cement materials, can constitute a refuge for various animal species, providing a "support" for the birth of new coral reefs, which find in these artifacts ideal supports. Returning to the other objects, we can imagine what the release of these materials in water entails.

How many animals die due to a piece of plastic or polystyrene, in the course of its existence, i.e. before it degrades? How much coral reef dies under a plastic bag that is easily transported by the current? It is necessary, at this point, to think about our daily gestures, such as throwing polluting liquid waste into the toilet or drain, throwing diapers, sanitary pads or cotton swabs in the toilet, leaving on the beaches or along a river stream materials of various kind, maybe after a picnic.

Considering that even today many cities do not have purification systems, all the waste ends up first in the rivers and then directly into the sea, it is essential to engage and improve, recycling as much as possible and giving the bulky and polluting waste to the "eco centers".


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