Agroecologcal systems to regenerate biodiversity and address climate change

Agroecologcal systems to regenerate biodiversity and address climate change

The biodiversity of plants, animals, and microorganisms is key to providing the stability and balance needed to create resilient agroecosystems to address climate change. The same food and agricultural systems that conserve and regenerate biodiversity also mitigate global warming and contribute to good health and increased livelihoods through living and regenerative economies. Agroecology is based on a wide range of principles and includes several methods to work in harmony with nature and regenerate biodiversity through living seeds and soils, local food communities, without using chemicals derived from fossil fuels. Agroecological systems are designed to mimic natural processes and regenerate biodiversity in order to provide ecological services such as natural pest control, nutrient cycling, soil regeneration and improvement, increased CO2 sequestration, and increased water concentration in soils. By focusing on the local and shifting production away from globalized supply chains, these systems are able to replace fossil fuel-intensive methods with low-input, regenerative systems that strengthen the soil and fix carbon dioxide back into it. Thus, agroecosystems maintain their climate-regulating functions and are able to mitigate the effects of climate change. (source: Navdanya International)

All of this is especially important right now when we are in a health care crisis. This Veganuary go further: vegan is not enough, choose vegan & organic! You'll be helping your health, animals, local communities, and the planet in ways that will last for generations.

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