2021 edition of Veganuary was a triumph!

2021 edition of Veganuary was a triumph! 

582,538 people signed up to try a month as vegans in January, far exceeding the target of 500 thousand and the record of last year of 400 thousand. An extraordinary participation, which was also expressed in the incredible dissemination of themed content on social media. Thousands of people took part in online meetings and dozens of articles on the initiative appeared on blogs and newspapers.

There are not only vegans and vegetarians among the participants, on the contrary: almost half (44.3%) say they have an omnivorous diet, while 16% define a fisherman (he does not eat meat but he eats fish), 25% vegetarian and only 14% vegan. This shows how Veganuary is able to involve different people, even those who would like to approach a vegetable diet and are looking for useful advice and information. 

Even more important is to know that the majority of members decide to continue to eat vegetables even after the end of January, throughout the year.
There are many reasons why so many people make this choice: 39% do so because they care about animals, 27% for health reasons and 23% for the environment. 

The impact of 580,000 people choosing to change their diet is enormous in terms of the environment and the animals they save. (source: essereanimali.it)

Help yourself, animals and the planet throughout the whole year, eat local organic vegan food, support beekeepers.

Try our natural reusable eco-friendly kitchen ware, at home and on the go.

Say Yes to Life, Earth Thanks! 🌿

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