Working together for a plastic-free Planet
After the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement, the world will finally work together similarly to save the Planet from plastic, whose production, according to the OECD, has more than doubled from 2000 to 2019. 80% of discarded material ends up in the environment or in landfills, where it continues to release methane, a greenhouse gas more potent than carbon dioxide.
Just like climate change, the pollution caused by plastic also risks making the Earth uninhabitable. This is the alarm that the Environmental Investigation Agency had launched at the beginning of the year. Finally, 175 nations have decided to put a brake on the production of plastics, thus also reducing the amount of waste resulting from them. This is the announcement that comes from the United Nations Environment Assembly (Unea), which met in the city of Nairobi, capital of Kenya, from February 28 to March 2, 2022. These countries will work together to draft a legally binding treaty that addresses the entire lifecycle of plastics, from production based on fossil fuel extraction to consumption and disposal. The final document will see the light of day in 2024, after two years of negotiations, that will also serve to quantify the funds needed to implement the proposed solutions - with particular attention to the least advantaged states.
Witnessing cooperation between very different countries is a comforting sign at such a tragic time for the world. And it reminds us that instead of destroying the Earth and its inhabitants, we should be thinking about how to save them. We should fight together against the only existing enemy: the climate and environmental crisis. (source: lifegate.com)
While governments and institutions study and adopt solutions, all of us as individuals can contribute to helping the Planet. Adopt an eco-sustainable lifestyle, choose reuse and recycle, try our eco-friendly products, Say Yes to Life, Earth Thanks! 🌿