What can we do to support bees and other pollinators?

In April 2018, the EU decided to completely ban the outdoor use of imidacloprid, clothianidin and thiamethoxam, known as neonicotinoids. However, several Member States have notified emergency exemptions for their use on their territory. A recent study showed that, despite prohibitions, killer pesticides continue to contaminate European fields.

According to the Commission, approximately 84% of the species cultivated and 78% of the species of wild flowers in the EU alone are at least partly dependent on animal pollination. Up to almost EUR 15 billion of the EU’s annual agricultural production is directly attributed to pollinating insects.

The European Parliament calls for mandatory reduction targets across the EU, to be included in the next revision of the Directive on the sustainable use of pesticides, and increased funds to support research into the causes of the decline in pollinators, in order to protect species diversity.

What can we do to support bees and other pollinators?

1. Buy food from organic agriculture.

2. Plant flowers in our fields, in our gardens or even on our balconies in the cities. Flowers keep the harmful insects away better than pesticides.

3. Sustain local beekeepers buying honey and bees products, good for your health and for the planet.

Shop with us for reusable beeswax food wraps to help yourself and the bees!

Say Yes to Life, Earth thanks! 🌿


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