Plastic fuels climate crisis
All plastic products derive from the transformation of fossil gas and oil, whose exploitation is one of the main causes of the current climate emergency. Plastic pollution and climate crisis are therefore two sides of the same coin, both related to an economy based on the exploitation of fossil fuels.
With the electrification of transport and the increasing use of renewables for other industries, one might expect a rapid reduction in oil and gas consumption. Too bad that this long-awaited decline, which is essential to mitigate the climate crisis, could be dwarfed by the production of plastics, which is set to triple by 2050. Some estimates indicate that the growth in demand for oil from the petrochemical sector, where fossil fuels are processed into plastics and other materials, will be driven 45 to 95% by the growing demand for plastics, which will exacerbate the climate crisis.
It's now obvious to everyone that plastic waste pollutes the sea. But few know that oil and gas refining has equally devastating consequences for the environment. If we want a real ecological transition we must have the courage to abandon polluting productions and decarbonize our economy, leaving behind both the use of oil and fossil gas, and derivative products, starting with single-use plastic. (source:
Adopt an eco-friendly lifestyle, use renewables and eco mobility, eat local organic vegan food, remove plastics from your life!
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