Half of the clothes sold online are made from virgin plastic

Half of the clothes sold online are made from virgin plastic

Despite the intention to reduce the enormous environmental impact of the fashion industry, about half of the clothes sold by major fashion brands online are made entirely of virgin plastic, i.e. that produced using raw materials and not recycled materials. This was revealed by a study by the Royal society for arts, manufactures and commerce (RSA), which analyzed about 10 thousand garments found on sites over two weeks in May. It was found that an average of 49% were made entirely of new plastics such as polyester, acrylic and nylon. In some cases, only 1% of the clothes contained recycled fabric. The massive use of synthetic fibers made from fossil fuels is not surprising when you consider the boom that fast fashion has had over the past 20 years. It's a vicious cycle: since the explosion of fast fashion, the use of these cheaper materials has nearly doubled, allowing disposable fashion to continue to proliferate.

These textiles require large amounts of energy during production and feed the petrochemical sector, which is responsible for much of the climate change and uncontrolled pollution. We can no longer use plastic to create poorly made garments designed to be worn only a handful of times. These need large amounts of energy, create environmental damage during their production process and can take thousands of years to dispose of. (source: lifegate.it)

We can reduce the consumption of clothes with proper care and using them several times, recycling them when we no longer use them, giving them to those in need or selling them in the second-hand market if they are still in good condition. When we decide to buy clothes, let's read the labels: sustainability comes through awareness.

Adopt an eco-friendly lifestyle, try our natural organic eco-friendly apparels and accessories, Say Yes to Life, Earth Thanks! 🌿

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