World Water Monitoring Day 2020

The “new normal.” It is an expression that we’ve heard frequently as people and communities around the world have confronted and adapted to a viral pandemic that has turned the world upside down. But was the “old normal” actually safe or sustainable? Maybe normal is not what we need now, maybe we need something else. 

Nearly 800 million people worldwide lack access to safe drinking water. Every two minutes a child dies from a water-related disease. But we can do better. Whether the challenge is water scarcity due to climate change, access to clean water and sanitation, building affordable, resilient infrastructure, or simply connecting citizens to the water that sustains them, today’s solutions require strong leadership, innovation, and collaboration. While the scale of the global water crisis seems overwhelming, we have the solutions at hand... we CAN “Solve Water” and that should be a call to action for each of us! (source:

We can do a lot as individuals to keep our planet clean and save precious limited resources. Save water while washing, take care of garbage thus avoiding water pollution, ditch plastic water bottles and plastic glasses/cups.

Try our reusable eco friendly water bottles and cups, say Yes to Life, Earth Thanks! 🌿

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