The young make farms multifunctional and economically and environmentally sustainable
Farming is no longer just a job of the past or carried out only by older generations. At the beginning of 2020, an analysis carried out in Italy showed a historic return to the land of young people with 56,000 under-35s at the helm of agricultural enterprises (+12% in the last 5 years), a record in the European Union.
The agricultural sector boasts more than 10% of young people who do business and create jobs in Italy with 7 companies under 35 out of 10 that, in addition to cultivation, have developed activities of product processing and direct sales, educational farm, social farming for the inclusion of disadvantaged people, landscape care and production of renewable energy. According to the analysis, the professionalism, innovation and passion of young people in agriculture leads their farms to have an area 54% larger than average, a 75% higher turnover and 50% more employees per company. Young first generation farmers, with different training (half are graduates) or a background from other sectors, have bet on farming, increasingly seen as an opportunity for employment and professional growth. Many of them decide to grow organically and to associate themselves with innovative services that allow direct contact with consumers. Being an organic farmer is one of the most exciting challenges to put into practice the stimuli coming from training and continuous updating. Today we know that we must strive for precision farming, maximizing the result, preserving resources, implementing the twofold declination of economic and environmental sustainability. Organic farmers propose activities such as the educational farm for children, sowing and harvesting experiences, eurythmy and singing workshops, yoga and meditation classes, outdoor walks to discover the wonders of the area, cultural and anthroposophical seminars. (source:
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