Reusables are safe to use even in pandemic

While the world is rightly preoccupied with tackling COVID-19, oil companies are pushing to produce more single-use plastic than ever before. So what do we need to know about plastic in the age of COVID-19?

During these stressful times, we must listen to science, not industry lobbyists. The oil and plastics industry wants you to think that you and your family are safer when your food, drinks and other products are wrapped in plastic. But over 125 scientists, academics, and doctors from 18 countries signed a statement reassuring retailers and consumers that reusable systems can be utilized safely during the pandemic by employing basic hygiene.

As consumers, we can make a significant difference to help the planet. Adopt an eco friendly life style, use renewable energy, public transport, buy local organic vegan food, reduce, reuse, recycle, ditch single use plastics.

Try our natural reusable eco friendly products, Say Yes to Life, Earth Thanks! 🌿

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