Pope Francis' message for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation

"Everything possible must be done to limit global average temperature growth below the 1.5°C threshold, as stated in the Paris Climate Agreement: going further will prove catastrophic, especially for the poorest communities around the world. Thus the Pope in his message for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. "At this critical moment - he adds - it is necessary to promote intra-generational and inter-generational solidarity. In preparation for the important Climate Summit in Glasgow, UK (COP 26), I invite each country to adopt more ambitious national targets to reduce emissions".

"It is necessary to repair the earth - says Francesco in the message - The restoration of a climate balance is extremely important, since we are in the midst of an emergency. We are running out of time, as our children and young people remind us". "The restoration of biodiversity - continues the Pontiff - is equally crucial in the context of a disappearance of species and an unprecedented degradation of ecosystems. It is necessary to support the United Nations call to safeguard 30% of the Earth as a protected habitat by 2030, in order to stem the alarming rate of biodiversity loss".

"I urge the international community - he adds - to work together to ensure that the Biodiversity Summit (COP 15) in Kunming, China, is a turning point towards the restoration of the Earth as a home where life is abundant, according to the will of the Creator. According to the Pope, "we are bound to repair according to justice, ensuring that those who have inhabited a land for generations can fully regain its use. We need to protect indigenous communities from companies, especially multinationals, which, through the deleterious extraction of fossil fuels, minerals, timber and agro-industrial products, 'do in less developed countries what they cannot do in countries that contribute capital'".

"This business misconduct - concludes Bergoglio - represents a 'new kind of colonialism', which shamefully exploits communities and poorer countries in a desperate search for economic development. It is necessary to consolidate national and international legislation so that it regulates the activities of mining companies and guarantees access to justice to those who are harmed". (source: repubblica.it)

Everybody can and must do his/her part to help our planet: adopt an eco friendly lifestyle, use renewables, public transport and walk more, eat local organic food and go vegan, ditch single use plastic.

Use natural reusable eco friendly products, Say Yes to Life, Earth Thanks! 🌿

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