In the climate crisis we have already passed the point of no return forty years ago - Earth Thanks

In the climate crisis we have already passed the point of no return forty years ago

In the context of the climate crisis, the time of prevention has now left room for mitigation, or better, for damage limitation. Because, as the climatologist and scientific divulger Luca Mercalli affirms, we have already passed the point of no return, forty years ago. Proof of this are the increasingly frequent extreme weather events, the humanitarian crises, the extinction of species, the disappearing glaciers and the continuous disturbing records - like the last one last month: the hottest October in history.

Ipcc (the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) said that we have just over ten years to take decisive action to limit global warming or the climate will go crazy, we do not know to what extent but certainly catastrophic.

The role of trees and forests in mitigating climate change is important but we have to think that it is not conclusive. We are burning so many fossil fuels now that trees are not behind the process of blackmailing this carbon. We can say that they play their part but we cannot rely on them alone to solve the problem of global warming.

We're on time, but only to reduce the damage, certainly not to heal. By now, the forty years of delay with respect to the first alerts already organised at political level that date back to the end of the seventies weigh on the possibility of repairing this damage. (source:

We all must do our part. Adopt a sustainable lifestyle.

Use natural reusable recyclable products instead of single use plastic products.

Use less cars and walk more, use bicycles and public transport.

Use renewable energy.

Plant trees in your garden or in you balcony. If you can't, support the organisations that plant trees across the globe. 

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