Good news: The ozone hole above the Antarctic closed at the end of December.
Good news: The ozone hole above the Antarctic closed at the end of December. This was announced by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), according to which the good dynamics were however possible thanks to a series of favorable meteorological circumstances, despite the fact that ozone-depleting substances are still present in the atmosphere. It was one of the largest holes ever recorded in the last 40 years, or since the ozone layer began to be monitored on a regular basis. At the same time, it was also one of the most tenacious, thanks to a stable polar vortex and very low temperatures in the stratosphere.
The ozone layer, located at an altitude between 10 and 40 kilometers, protects us from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays from the sun. In 2019, it had been significantly less extensive: the last two seasons of the ozone hole demonstrate its year-to-year variability and improve our understanding of the factors responsible for its formation, extent, and severity.
We need continued international action to keep on implementing the Montreal Protocol, signed in 1987, which was one of the first joint successes by governments in protecting the environment. (source:
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