For Nature, a new short film by Greta Thunberg

A new short film featuring climate action leader Greta Thunberg highlights the connections between the climate crisis, ecological emergency, and the COVID-19 pandemic as well as other public health crises that are likely to arise from humans' exploitation of animals — and explains how communities and policymakers can repair people's relationship to wildlife while radically changing our food systems.

For Nature, conceived of by Thunberg and produced by the animal rights nonprofit organization Mercy for Animals, was released Saturday to coincide with the International Day for Biological Diversity.

In the film, Thunberg "connects the dots" for the audience to help explain how people's land use, agricultural practices, and exploitation of animals are all "creating the perfect conditions for diseases to spill over from one animal to another and to us," making it highly likely that even if the global community gets the coronavirus pandemic under control with widespread distribution of vaccines, "the next pandemic could be much much worse."

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