Banks and investors will be required to be more transparent about environmental risks.

The need for banks, investment funds, insurance and other investors to publicize the potential impact of climate change on their business has been discussed for some time, as well as their approach to managing climate risks and opportunities. 

New Zealand, led by Jacinda Ardern, is the first country in the world to impose this transparency with a law presented in Parliament in mid-April. Some activities and some goods will not maintain their value in a world with low emissions simply because they pollute too much and contribute to the climate crisis. Similarly, there are technologies and activities that will help to cut emissions and thus take on enormous value.

In the meantime all of us can act, our daily consumer choices may appear insignificant, but they really make a difference to our health and the environment, thus affecting the production and distribution of goods and services. So don't wait any more: adopt an eco-friendly lifestyle, use renewables, eat local vegan organic food, reduce, reuse, recycle, ditch plastics.

Try our natural reusable eco-friendly products, Say Yes to Life, Earth Thanks! 🌿

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