America Recycles Day 15 November 2020
Litter is more than just a mark on our landscape. Litter is costly to clean up, impacts our quality of life and economic development, and eventually ends up in our waterways and oceans.
Litter cleanup costs more than $11.5 billion each year. The indirect costs of litter are also considerable. For example, the presence of litter in a community decreases property values by 7 percent.
Tobacco products continue to be the most prevalent aggregate litter item, comprising more than 35 percent of all litter.
Held on and around Nov. 15, America Recycles Day educates and encourages individuals on how to be more mindful of what they consume, where and how to properly recycle, and to pledge to recycle more and recycle right in their everyday lives and inspires communities and individuals to recognize the economic, environmental, and social benefits of recycling. (source: Keep America Beautiful
How are helping to keep your place clean? Reduce, reuse, recycle.
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