The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women was established on the assumption that violence against women is a violation of human rights. This violation is a consequence of discrimination against women, both legally and practically, and the persistent inequalities between men and women.
Violence against women has a negative impact and represents a serious obstacle in achieving crucial goals such as poverty eradication, the fight against HIV/AIDS and the strengthening of peace and security.
The substantial lack of resources for initiatives to eradicate violence against women and girls around the world contributes to the persistence of this phenomenon. This Day marks the beginning of the Sixteen days of activism against gender-based violence, which aim to raise public awareness and push for change.
While the world's population is locked in their homes due to the restrictions of the Covid-19 pandemic, global studies show an alarming increase in the already existing pandemic of violence against women. With the crisis, there has been a spike in the reporting of domestic violence, at a time when legal, health and social services have diverted attention to address the pandemic. (source: un.org)
Honouring your mother, your daughter, your sister and friend, your wife and partner, all women in your life and yourself if you are a woman, not forgetting the greater Mother Earth, should be an everyday practice. It can only lead to a more deeply loving life of peace and understanding.
We honour women with special eco friendly products. Say Yes to Life, earth Thanks! 🌿